Sick as a dog!!.... :(
Oi! Well.. between my knee replacement being extremely loose and causing severe pain,, and the normal aches and pains of old age! (arthritis... bad!) ... I now have strep throat.. :( I have a fever of 101F... can't swallow even water.. LOL (I'm sooo thirsty) and can't eat! (I'm starving over here) :D.. anywhoooo... It might be a couple more weeks til I get my next set done... just not really feeling quite up to it right now... I'm sorry.. and I thank ALL of you for bearing with me!
Good news.. the new laptop I ordered will be arriving tomorrow.. ONE WEEK ahead of schedule!! WOOT... gotta Love Dell and Alienware!! (clap) and a bit more good news.. depending on how you look at it... sometime (Hopefully) after Aug. 18th (and I'll explain that in a minute.. if you care to keep reading my drivel) .. I will be having my knee replacement surgery... so I'll have a LOT of laying around time to create!!!!
As I said... it has to be after Aug. 18th... my sweet, lovable, cuddly, wonderful, prince of a "husband".. bought tickets (right up front and close) to the Alan Jackson concert on that day!! I am sooooo excited... I could just scream.. (at this point.. I can't or my throat would probably bleed and explode!!! LOL ) I will hopefully remember my camera.. and remember to take several pictures of Alan... isn't he yummy... Jackson!
anyway.. I wish you all peace, and love... and joy!! :) Happy simming and thanks for reading my ... errr... life story?? LOL HUGS